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Wednesday, November 11, 2009


We have been studying the life of Jonah through our series Wrecked at Journey Church. It's funny, I always viewed Jonah as this kids story with felt board cutouts. In my head I always picture this cartoon caricature of Jonah getting swallowed by the whale from the Disney film Pinocchio! But something different happened when I was reading through the passages this time. I identified personally with Jonah's actions. How many times have we gotten a clear message that God wants us to do something, and we say "uh uh, no way!" and we run in the other direction?! The farther we run, the rougher the storms get, and before you know it we are getting pounded by the waves and swallowed entirely in troubles. We come to the end of our rope, in the belly of a whale of a problem. Nothing left of our own power to carry us through the mess. Then in desperation we reach out to God, we cry out that we need Him and will follow His direction!

Jonah uses this imagery..."the deep surrounds me; seaweed was wrapped around my head. To the roots of the mountains I sank down; the earth beneath barred me in forever. But you brought my life up from the pit Oh Lord my God."

Out of the book of Jonah was birthed a song. I thought I'd step out on a limb and toss it out there for all to hear. Because what I want more than anything is for people to know that when you turn things over to God, when you seek Him, you will have the strength you need to make it through the storms. Who knows, maybe God could lead you to save an entire city of people like Jonah did in Nineveh!

Here's the tune, all we have is a live recording from a Sunday morning. The team did great with it. Maybe someday we can get it done in the studio. Enjoy yall...

Wrecked By Grace by jkinman


JTHphoto said...

just awesome. love it.

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